Organic Lamb from Craigadam is the result of decades of careful sheep-rearing and organic farming by Richard and Celia Pickup. A flock of 1,000 ewes, mainly Scotch Mules and Texel Scotch Mule crosses, are bred on the farm and fattened for an August sale. Full organic status was awarded in 2002 by the Scottish Organic Producers Association (SOPA), after several previous years of organic production. buy Organic Lamb from us online.
Organic lamb, venison and game products, have been processed in Craigadam’s own meat production works since 2005, by experienced staff with years in this specialist business. Craigadam has achieved the Scottish certificates in meat preparation and packing from the Quality Meat Scotland Farm Assured Scheme (No. 015189). Craigadam also holds the Organic Farmers and Growers factory inspection compliance certificate UKP0221. Under European Union regulations, all meat from Craigadam is marked with the UK 1699 EC export licence certificate number.
Cuts of meat are hygienically prepared, vacuum packed and stored chilled or frozen until sale. Retail and wholesale markets are both catered for, organic lamb being supplied to local hotels and shops.
A range or organic venison and game birds is also available, with a range of oven-ready cuts, fillets, whole oven-ready birds, pates, sausages and burgers, for healthy and tasty eating. Craigadam’s red grouse were the choice of Clarissa of ‘Two Fat Ladies’ fame.
Craigadam has been a winner of the Taste of Scotland Awards for its quality cooking. Celia Pickup offers a selection of her own recipes for better enjoyment of the products in the Craigadam Country Larder.