Craigadam House, nestling in its own estate grounds near to the Galloway National Park, provides a picturesque setting and elegant venue for your Dumfries and Galloway fishing breaks. Craigadam offers an excellent variety of fishing breaks and fishing holidays in Dumfries:
Fishing breaks
Craigadam has access to two miles of the River Nith, and can arrange fishing on the River Urr and River Annan for those looking to venture a little further afield. For the more energetic, there are hill-lochs nearby holding wild Brown Trout. For a real change why not try an evening’s guided night-time sea-trout fishing on the Nith?
Craigadam’s own trout loch offers rainbow Trout of up to 6 lb weight – why not catch your own trout and have it superbly cooked for breakfast?
For those wishing to learn or perfect their casting, Craigadam offers personal tuition in Speycasting and Overhead Casting, also Fly-Tying.
Coarse Fishing breaks
With many local lochs close to the main estate, we are are blessed and well placed for corse fishing with great quantities of pike, roach and perch to be found locally.